Clumsy Burglar Falls Over USS Constitutions

He has a flair for fashion) have a sloppy spill in front of the camera. The guy will be imprisoned for a while.
Kent’s Meats and Groceries can be located in Redding (California). In March 5, 2013 an intruder attempted to gain entry to the business. The burglar was right just in front of the store without wearing a mask. In the next moment, he launches one of the bricks against the glass doors. The brick breaks the glass but doesn’t cause any damage to it. The burglar who stumbled upon it realizes his mistake and attempts to run. He stumbles across the curb, and then falls on the sidewalk. A professional said that this person would be arrested for vandalism and not for intruding into the structure. It is due to the fact that the man did not actually access the premises. Also, he didn’t have adequate tools to gain entry such as a screwdriver or crowbar. He also attempted to get away also means it is unlikely that he will be prosecuted for burglary. He could still end up in prison for up to one year in the event of vandalism. Kent’s Meats and Groceries is getting a lot more press for this crime, and it is likely to outweigh any damage.