What Happens If You Refuse A Breathalyzer – E-Library

This procedure is used by millions of Americans. It is a regrettable choice, however there are some things you can and can’t do during the time this procedure is taking place. There is the possibility to refuse the breathalyzer test. If you do the test and fail, then you’ll have your license removed and be denied permission to drive. If you don’t want to take it knowing you’re in fact sober you could actually contest this situation using an OVI lawyer. An OVI attorney can help you fight the legal case in your favor. DUI lawyers have experience dealing with every type of case. They can help you drive while impaired by alcohol , or driving intoxicated. The best case to have is one that is successful, so make sure that you are not in error before deciding for a service that could cost you a large amount of money. Consult an attorney in your area for help. 2rnn92r9x4.